Find Out More - Carlow in 1798
Book cover of "Kilcumney '98"
Book cover of "Kilcumney '98" by Kinsella et al
Carlow County LibraryCarlow County Library
Book cover of "Kilcumney '98"
Book cover of "Kilcumney '98" by Kinsella et al
Carlow County LibraryBooks
An accurate and impartial narrative of the apprehension, trial & execution on the 5th of June, 1798, of Sir Edward William Crosbie Bart including a copy of the minutes of the proceedings of the court-martial, which tried him: together with authentic documents relating to the whole of his conduct, and the proceedings against him. Dublin. [1802].
Carlow County Council and Carlow Urban District Council. Bicentenary 1798 Commemoration Committee. Carlow '98 Bicentenary Commemoration 1798-1998 Souvenir Booklet and Schedule of Events [1998].
Clonegal '98 Commemoration Committee. Clonegal in 1798 - A Bicentenary Perspective. [1998].
Duffy, Robert. One Hundred Years too Soon - Hacketstown and 1798. [1998].
Furlong, Nicholas. Fr. John Murphy of Boolavogue 1753-1798. [1991]
Kavanagh, Art. The Battle of Carlow. [1996]
Kinsella, Mick, Edward N. Moran and Conor Murphy. Kilcumney '98 It's Origins, Aftermath and Legacy. [1998].
McHugh, Roger J. (Editor). Carlow in '98 - The Autobiography of William Farrell of Carlow. [1949]
Musgrave, Richard (edited by Steven W. Myers and Dolores E. McKnight). Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland from the arrival of the English also, a particular detail of that which broke out the 23d of May, 1798; with the history of the conspiracy which preceded it. [4th edition, 1995]
O'Leary, Patrick. Memoir of Thomas Cloney, Insurgent General 1798. [1898]
Pakenham, Thomas. The Year of Liberty - The Great Irish Rebellion of 1798. [1997]
Power, Patrick C. The Courts Martial of 1798. [circa 1998]
St. Mullins Co. Carlow Bicentenary of the 1798 Rising, Sunday 19th July 1998 Souvenir Booklet. [1998]
Journal Articles
Ellis, John. "The Battle of Carlow 1798" in Carloviana No. 45 [1997]
Hadden, Victor. "The Trial and Death of Sir Edward Crosbie 1798" in Carloviana Vol. 1 No. 12 New Series [1963]
Horner, A.A. "Two Eighteenth Century Maps of Carlow Town" in P.R.I.A., Vol. 78, C, No. 5 [1978]
Nolan, William. "Fr. John's Last Journey 1798" in Carloviana Vol. 1 No. 18 , New Series [1969]
Purcell, Patrick. "Carlow Poet or Rhymer" in Carloviana Vol. 1 No. 13, New Series [1964]
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